The Caped Crusader...
While there had been "Batman" movies based on the hit TV series as far back as 1966, the first blockbuster, full-length film not starring the cast of the TV series, debuted on this date in 1989. Michael Keaton played the lead role, the villainous Joker was Jack Nicholson. Most critics agree that this was the best of the four summer blockbuster "Batman" films. The movie would gross over $250 million, more than $400 million worldwide...the 5th installment in this series, "Batman Begins" is in theaters now and stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Others in the cast include Katie Holmes, who we can only hope does not tell us how much she loves Tom Cruise...
Flashing back to 1989:
Our President: The first George Bush...
Cost of a new home: $148,800...
A gallon of gas: $1.12...
#1 TV show: "Roseanne"...
#1 Song: "I'll Be Loving You (Forever)" - Boston's own New Kids on the Block...
Hot: Frozen yogurt, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Michelob Dry...
Not: Leona Helmsley, Oliver North and Salman Rushdie...
More June 23 Memories...
1958) Bobby Darin's "Splish, Splash" debuts on the charts...
1963) Troubled Met outfielder Jimmy Piersall circles the bases backwards to celebrate his 100th home run...
1970) The Jackson Five top the charts with "The Love You Save"...
1979) The Knack releases "My Sharona"...
1979) #1 song is "Hot Stuff" - Donna Summer...
1980) David Letterman debuts on NBC-TV...
1982) Mary Hart joins "Entertainment Tonight"...
1988) Yankee Manager Billy Martin's 5th term ends. He's replaced by Lou Piniella...
1989) "Batman" premieres...
1992) Godfather John Gotti is sentenced to life in prison...
1993) Lorena Bobbitt does her famous "slice and dice" act on husband John...
Happy Birthday...
1925) Art Modell (owner of the Baltimore Ravens and Modell Stores, former owner of the Cleveland Browns)...The city of Cleveland will not be celebrating...
1946) Ted Shackelford ("Dallas", "Knots Landing")...
1948) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas...(no jokes, please)...
1957) Frances McDormand ("Fargo")...
WRKO, my alma mater, has just announced a multiyear deal to carry the Celtics games starting next season. While carrying play-by-play is risky at best with little or no revenue gain, there are some advantages which include the exposure of your call letters in signage at games and the hope that your team has a winning season and boosts your ratings. Today's press release brings to mind my early days at WRKO...
In 1966 the then "Boston" Patriots were coached by Mike Holovak who had a daily sports show on WNAC (soon to be WRKO the following year). Although he was a good coach, Holovak had a rather lackluster personality which was not conducive to "good" radio. There were many occasions that required someone, anyone, to call the coach with a question relating to the Patriots and I was game to contribute when called upon by Program Director, Bob Henabery. While I'll always consider Boston my adopted hometown, not being a native, I do not speak "New England" but did manage to put on the phoniest accent that would make even a "Vinnie from Dorchester" or "Frankie from Framingham" proud. Come to think of it, I, I mean, "they" were proud...
This blog combines the best elements of Mel Phillips Now And Then & Mel Phillips Remembers with the focus on Now and a look back at your favorite memories...