- 1920] Here come de judge: Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis is elected baseball's first commissioner which brings a smile to Shorty Long's face wherever he is...
- 1931] A 'Nessie' sighting: The first known photo of the 'Loch Ness Monster' is taken...
- 1940] Premiered on this date: "Fantasia", not the singer, the Walt Disney masterpiece...
- 1948] Guilty as charged: Former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo and several other WWII Japanese leaders are sentenced to death by a war crimes tribunal...1996] Jonathan Schmitz, 26, is convicted of second-degree murder for shooting Scott Amedure, a gay man who'd revealed a crush on Schmitz on a "Jenny Jones" TV show. Schmitz is serving a 20-25 year prison term...1997] Ramzi Yousef is found guilty of masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Yousef is serving a sentence of life without parole...2004] Scott Peterson is sentenced to death for murdering his pregnant wife, Laci, and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay. Peterson remains on death row...
- 1954] Closed for renovations: Ellis Island closes after processing more than 20 million immigrants since opening in New York Harbor in 1892...
- 1987] AIDS ban banned: The AMA issues a policy statement saying it was unethical for a doctor to refuse to treat someone solely because that person has AIDS or is HIV-positive...
- 1993] "Happy Trails": H.R. Haldeman, a former Nixon White House chief of staff, dies of undisclosed causes at 67...
- 1998] Wedding Bells: Daimler-Benz, Chrysler and baby Daimler-Chrysler unite...
- 2001] Belle Harbor hell: American Airlines flight 587 crashes in Belle Harbor, Queens shortly after taking off in perfect weather, from JFK, taking more than 260 lives...
- 2006] Breaking a record: Gerald R. Ford surpasses Ronald Reagan as the longest-lived U.S. president at 93 years and 121 days. Ford will pass away the following month...
For more on November 12th: CLICK: http://melphillipsnowandthen.com