- 1928] Mickey debuts: The 1st successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon premiers in New York City. It's Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" starring Mickey Mouse...
- 1959] Also Premiering on this date: William Wyler's "Ben Hur" at a Loew's Theater in Times Square...2005] "Walk The Line", the story of Johnny Cash opens...
- 1969] 'Happy Trails': Kennedy patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy dies in Hyannis Port (MA) at 81. Kennedy had suffered a massive stroke 8 years earlier. 1994] Cab Calloway dies in a Delaware nursing home of a stroke at 86...
- 1978] The horror of Jonestown: People's Temple leader Jim Jones forces his followers to commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana by drinking a cyanide-laced fruit-flavored concoction. Only about a dozen escape. The final death toll: 913, including 276 children. Jones is fatally shot in the head...
- 1987] Pink slips are on the way: CBS Inc. agrees to sell its record division to SONY Corporation for about $2 billion...
- 1990] Wedding Bells: Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall tie the knot in Bali. They will have 2 children during their 9 year marriage which breaks up after allegations that Mick fathered a child with Brazilian model Luciana Morad. 2006] Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are married in Italy...
- 1991] Free at last: Shiite Muslim kidnappers in Lebanon free Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite and educator Thomas Sutherland...
- 1999] Guilty as charged: A jury in Jasper (TX) convicts Shawn Allen Berry of murder for his role in the dragging death of James Byrd Jr., but spare him the death penalty...
- 2002] A new call for arms inspection: U.N. arms inspectors return to Iraq after a four-year hiatus. They call on Saddam Hussein's government to cooperate with their search for weapons of mass destruction. You know the rest of this story...
- 2003] Right to marry: The Massachusetts Supreme Court Judicial Court rules 4-3 that the state constitution guarantees gay couples the right to marry...For more on November 18th: C L I C K: