Friday, September 4, 2009

(Labor Day Weekend Edition) September 4 - 7, 2009...

10 Timeline Memories:
  1. 1906] Taking a pass: Bradbury Robinson of St. Louis University throws a "projectile pass" to teammate Jack Schneider. It's the first forward pass used in a game as St. Louis beats Carroll 22-0 (9/5)...
  2. 1927] Must-see TV: Philo T. Farnsworth succeeds in transmitting an image through purely electronic means by using an image dissector (9/7). TV is born...
  3. 1957] How many would you like?: Ford Motor Company starts selling its Edsel line (9/4)...
  4. 1957] A black-eye for Arkansas: The National Guard is ordered by Governor Orval Faubus to keep 9 black students from entering Little Rock's Central High School (9/4)...
  5. 1959] Barbie is born: The first Barbie Doll is sold by Matel. Ruth Handler, co-founder of Matel invented the doll that was named after her daughter. Ken was named after her son (9/6)...
  6. 1967] Curtains: "Gilligan's Island" airs for the final time on CBS-TV after a run of 98 episodes (9/4)...
  7. 1972] Bloody Olympics: Arab terrorists kill 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team. Five guerrillas and a police officer are also killed in Munich in the darkest day in Olympic history (9/5)...
  8. 1975] Dodging a bullet: President Gerald Ford escapes an attempt on his life in Sacramento (CA) by Charles Manson follower, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme (9/5)...
  9. 1995] The new Iron Man: Cal Ripken Jr. breaks Lou Gehrig's record of 2,130 consecutive games (9/6). Ripken entered the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2007, on the strength of that achievement...
  10. 2006] "Happy Trails": "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, 44, dies after a stingray's barb pierces his chest (9/4)....For more on September 4 - 7: