The Radio and TV news media just can't win. There's a new Harris Poll showing the news media in the top 5 at number 4 among 'Groups Seen As Having Too Much Power and Influence in Washington". TV and radio talk shows are number 6. Ouch!!! Big Companies lead the pack followed by the real pac a.k.a. 'political action committees' that give money to political candidates at number 2. Political lobbyists are number 3, the news media at 4, entertainment and sports celebrities at number 5. You can see the rest of the poll by clicking The poll was conducted by telephone (you people just love the old Hooper methodology, don't you?) and reached 1,010 adults between February 5 and 11...
Since 1994 to this latest Harris poll, opinion polls have shown a 6-point increase (51%-57%) in those that think that TV and radio talk shows have too much power and influence but there's been a 5-point decrease in those that think the news media has too much power and influence. Par-tayyyy!!!
It should also be noted that 46% of those polled say that opinion polls have too little power while 44% say they have too much. Flip a coin. Pick a lane...
If I'm programming a radio or TV station, I don't care what public opinion polls say as long as I'm pulling good local numbers unless, of course, if I don't have that either...
10 Timeline Memories:
- 1664] The Redcoats are on the turnpike: New Jersey becomes a British colony as King Charles II grants land in the new world to his brother James, the Duke of York after conferring with Tony Soprano who gets the 'vig'...
- 1894] Things go better with Coke, like bottles: Coca Cola is sold in bottles for the first time. Every bottle counts: ...
- 1912] Order your cookies: Juliette Gordon Low founds the "Girl Guides" which will become the 'Girl Scouts of America': ...
- 1923] In 4, 3, 2,...: Dr. Lee DeForest demonstrates phonofilm, a technique that adds sound to motion picture film...
- 1951] Debuted on this date: "Dennis the Menace" created by Hank Ketcham, makes its syndicated debut in 16 newspapers: ...
- 1966] What the Hull?: Chicago's Bobby Hull becomes the first NHL player to score 51 points in a single season in a game against the Rangers at Madison Square Garden...
- 1969] Wedding Bells: Paul McCartney and Linda Eastman rock down the aisle. They will be married until Linda's untimely death in 1998...
- 1980] Guilty as charged: A jury finds John Wayne Gacy Jr. guilty of murdering 33 men and boys. Gacy will be executed in May of 1994...1997] LAPD arrest Mikail Markhasev in the shooting death of 27-year old Ennis Cosby, Bill Cosby's son. Markhasev is serving life with no parole...
- 2002] In living color: Homeland security chief Tom Ridge unveils a color-coded system for terror warnings. If you're color-blind, you're out of luck...
- 2003] Getting Smart: Elizabeth Smart is reunited with her family 9 months after being abducted from her home. She was kidnapped in June of 2002 by a drifter who had previously done work at her family's home...
Music Memories:
- 1957] Recorded on this date: "Maybe Baby" - Crickets (with Buddy Holly): ...
- 1969] Grammy Gold: "Mrs. Robinson" ('Best Record of 1968') - Simon & Garfunkel: ...
'Gordy Brown for Mayor"...A famous Watertown (MA) founders and historic overlook will get makeovers thanks to ex-WRKO technician extraordinaire, Gordon Brown, who pushed so hard to have a monument to the town founders patched up, that money for the deed is on its way. Gordon said the Founder's statue was dedicated at the town's 300th anniversary in 1930. Congratulations Gordy. Here's the complete newspaper article: ...
"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Steve Levy (43), Darryl Strawberry (46), Jon ("Timmy" from "Lassie") Provost (58), James Taylor (60):, Mitt Romney (61), Liza Minnelli (62), Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano (63), Al Jarreau (68), Andrew Young (76), 'Get Smart's' '99' Barbara Feldon (76) and Edward Albee (80)...
Timeline Countdown: 8 days until the first day of spring, 11 days until Easter Sunday, 13 days until opening day and 38 days until Passover...