Monday, January 31, 2011

The FCC Asks Us About Sirius XM Price Increases...

The FCC doesn't regulate satellite radio, yet they are going public on Sirius XM subscription rate increases, which the satcaster has in mind. Saying that it faces a lot more in-car competition than it did when it agreed to keep its cap at $12.95 per month, Sirius XM wants its 3-year agreement to expire in July as scheduled. That agreement was key for the FCC approval of the Sirius-XM merger in 2008. While Sirius XM has every right to request the expiration of the agreement, the FCC must approve it for the satcom to go forward with price increases. The FCC is not so sure they'll approve it. That's why they want your comment on whether or not Sirius XM's price cap should change. Comments to MB Docket 07-57 are due by February 24, according to Radio World...

The FCC apparently wants us to do their job. We'll offer our due diligence and the agency will make the call. Wouldn't the FCC be better served by getting their hands dirty and getting a real feel for what the public desires by actually asking people in town meetings? And what happens if it turns out that the majority of subscribers don't want a price increase from Sirius XM, will the agency rescind the merger or set a dangerous precedent of regulating subscription rates in an industry they don't regulate???

The commission states in its notice that Sirius XM has begun charging $2.99 a month for Internet radio access and changed the price for each additional monthly subscription above the $12.95 monthly basic subscription price from $6.99 to $8.99 a month. The agency asks whether any modified price cap should cover the charges for online access, additional subscriptions or other fees related to the satellite radio service. Sirius XM agreed to keeping a 3-year cap, but they were not asked to maintain any other cap at the end of the agreement. Whatever they decide to increase the monthly subscription to - that should be up to them, not the FCC. Their subscribers will tell them if it's too high or not...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1865] Free at last: Slavery is abolished with the ratification of the 13th amendment...
2.1949] A little bit of soap: The first daytime soap, "These Are My Children" airs on Chicago's NBC-TV affiliate. The 15-minute show runs on weekdays in January and February of '49. This soap will beget hundreds of other soaps, including "All My Children"...
3.1958] Outta Space: The U.S. enters the "Space Age" by launching its first satellite into orbit - Explorer I...
4.1970] Hot as a Pistol: LSU's sensational Pistol Pete Maravich breaks Oscar Robertson's college scoring record with a career total of 2,974 points by scoring 53 against Mississippi...
5.1971] Fly me to the moon: Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D. Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa blast off for the moon on Apollo 14...
6.1974] SOLD to the highest bidder: McDonald's founder Ray Kroc buys the San Diego Padres...
7.1984] Curtains: Edwin Newman retires from NBC News after 35 years at the network...
8.1993] Super Bowl Sunday: SBXXVII goes to the Dallas Cowboys who win the 1st of 3 SB's in the '90s. They crush Buffalo 52-17...
9.2000] Off his rocker: Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker is suspended by baseball commissioner Bud Selig for his disparaging racial remarks, mostly about the straphangers on the no. 7 to Shea Stadium. He makes the statements in a Sports Illustrated article...
10.2005] Beats it: Jury selection begins in Santa Monica (CA) for Michael Jackson's child molestation trial. Jackson will be acquitted...

Music Memories:

The Smokin' Hit Songwriters Seminar/Retreat will take place on March 18 - 20 at Jim Oliver's Smoke House, 850 W. Main Street in Monteagle (TN). Admission is $150 per person. For additional information check out the event on Facebook by doing a search for the under 'Smokin''...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Justin Timberlake (30), Portia de Rossi (38), Minnie Driver (41), Johnny Lydon aka Johnny Rotten (55), KC aka Harry Casey (60), Nolan Ryan (64), Jessica Walter (70), Ernie ("Let's play two") Banks (80) & Carol Channing (90)...

Timeline Countdown: 6 days until Super Bowl XLV, 13 days until pitchers & catchers report, 14 days until Valentines Day & 21 days until Presidents' Day...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Radio Loses While Music Industry Wines & Dines...

(Weekend Edition)

The horrendous Census Bureau revenue numbers for radio gives the medium a good argument against the Performance Rights Act. The PRA has been described by supporters as a bill "to ensure musicians' fair compensation for radio broadcasts of their work." The bill went to both houses of Congress over a year ago but has yet to be voted on. Congress would like radio and music interests to compromise and agree to a deal but both sides remain far apart. So how bad were radio's revenue numbers? The Census Bureau numbers reflect sharp declines for radio, from $19 billion in 2007 to $16 billion in 2009, according to Radio Ink...

While radio continues to lose billions, the recording industry will be thanking PRA supporter, Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) with a big Grammy party for a $5,000 fee for each person attending. The Hill reports that for a donation of $5,000 each, attendees get a welcome brunch with Berman, a private box seat to the show and a chance to hang out with the winners at the afterparty. According to data from the Sunlight Foundation, last May the RIAA held a cocktail reception for Berman at its offices. Another fundraiser in April took place at the home of lobbyist Robert Raben, a former assistant attorney general under President Clinton whose clients included the RIAA and Sony BMG. In December, Daryl Friedman, the recording industry's top lobbyist, called Berman a champion of performance rights and cheered his reelection in a blog post published by Mr. Berman is one popular guy...

Berman touts his co-sponsoring of the Performance Rights Act in 2009 with Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich) and now, he's apparently getting rewarded for it. Berman's office has not responded with a comment...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1845] ‘Quoth the raven, nevermore’: Edgar Allan Poe’sThe Raven” is published for the first time in the New York Evening Mirror (1/29)…
2. 1933] Debuted on this date: “The Lone Ranger” airs the first of 2,956 episodes, ending in 1955 and beyond that in films and specials (1/30)…
3.1936] Going to Hall: The Baseball Hall of Fame holds its first induction. Elected are: Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson (1/29)…
4.1958] The end of a Hall of Fame career: Brooklyn Dodger 3-time MVP catcher, Roy Campanella is paralyzed below the waist when his car overturns on an icy road in Glen Cove (LI) (1/28). Campy will never play again and is inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1969…
5.1962] High-flying tragedy: Two members of the ‘Flying Wallendas’ high-wire act are killed when their 7-person pyramid collapses during a performance in Detroit (1/30). In 1978 family patriarch Karl Wallenda falls to his death in Puerto Rico…
6.1986] Liftoff disaster: Millions of people around the world watch as the Challenger Seven explodes taking the lives of seven astronauts: Smith, Scobee, Resnik, McNair, Onizuka, Jarvis and McAulife (1/28)…
7.1990] Guilty as charged: Joseph Hazelwood, former Exxon Valdez skipper, goes on trial in Anchorage (AK) for his role in America’s worst oil spill. He will be acquitted of all charges except for a misdemeanor (1/29)…
8.1995] A Super Bowl 1st: The San Francisco 49ers become the first team in the NFL to win 5 Super Bowls by beating San Diego 49-26 behind Steve Young’s 6 touchdown passes, which breaks Joe Montana’s previous record of 5 (1/29)…
9.1999] Going to Hall: Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor is elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame on the first ballot (1/30)…
10.2006] Wounded anchor: ABC ‘World News Tonight’ co-anchor Bob Woodruff and a cameraman are seriously injured in a roadside bombing in Iraq (1/29)…

Music Memories:

  • 1966] Released on this date: "I Fought The Law" - Bobby Fuller Four (1/29)...
  • 1969] Debuted on this date: "The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour" on CBS-TV. This terrific variety show will run until June, 1972 (1/29)...
  • 1969] Up on the roof: For the last time anywhere, the Beatles perform on that London rooftop (1/30)..
  • 1985] Recorded on this date: "We Are The World" - USA for Africa with proceeds going to world wide hunger prevention (1/28)...
  • 1985] Number One on this date: "I Want To Know What Love Is" - Foreigner (1/30)...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday": (1/28) Stephen Gostkowski (27), Elijah Wood (31), Kathryn ('Cold Case') Morris (42), Sarah McLachlan (43), Barbi Benton (61), Mikhail Baryshnikov (63), Alan Alda (75) and Mr. Acker Bilk (82)...(1/29) Adam Lambert (29), Greg Louganis (51), Oprah Winfrey (57), Tommy Ramone aka Tommy Ederly (59), Tom Selleck (66) & Katherine Ross...(1/30) Wilmer Valderrama (31), Christian Bale (37), comedienne Brett Butler (53), Phil Collins (60), Davey Johnson (68), Marty Balin (69), Dick Cheney (70), Vanessa Redgrave (74), Gene Hackman (81), Hal Prince (83) & Dorothy Malone (86)...

Timeline Countdown: 9 days until Super Bowl XLV, 16 days until pitchers & catchers report, 17 days until Valentines Day & 24 days until Presidents' Day...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Worst Weather Brings Out The Best In Radio...

We just had our seventh snow storm of the season in the New York Metropolitan area. Snowfall estimates range from a foot to sixteen inches, giving us the snowiest January since they've been keeping records. The worst weather brings out the best in radio. Both WCBS and WINS are one long school closing, interrupted by weather, traffic and transportation reports. This is when radio really serves the public. Everything else takes a backseat to weather when it's like this. Ask the people in Southern California who recently suffered through torrential rain and mud slides. They were listening for weather updates and little else. Yesterday the Washington Post did a feature story on how well the media has covered the weather...

In their report, the Post commends radio: "The radio stations - most prominently WTOP, with its reports every 10 minutes - offer frequent updates for the region." Every 10 minutes is good but in bad weather, the weather coverage should be one long broadcast, interrupted only by commercials. School closings come first and don't advise your listeners to go to your website if they didn't hear their school. Make sure they hear their school. Website information is useless when people are in their cars and if they're getting ready to take their kids to school or getting ready for work, they don't have time to go to your website. Take the time to put all your information on air...

Radio needs to be full-service when times call for it. Information comes first, your regular format is secondary. I got a quick education in radio 101 when I worked for a small radio station where the most popular shows were the lost dog report and the swap shop. Now that's the real definition of social media...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1926] Radio with pictures: John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor, demonstrates a pictorial transmission machine called television
2.1927] Networking: United Independent Broadcasters, Inc. starts a radio network of 16 stations. The company will later be renamed the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)…
3.1948] Wired: The Wire Recording Corporation of America announces the first magnetic tape recorder. The “Wireway” with a built-in oscillator sells for $149.50. Here’s a Webster wire recorder in action
4.1951] Dropping A bomb: Atomic testing begins in the Nevada desert when an Air Force plane drops a one-kiloton bomb on Frenchman Flats…
5.1967] Death on the pad: A flash fire aboard Apollo I during a test kills astronauts Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee
6.1981] Welcome back: Ronald Reagan welcomes the 52 former Iranian hostages to the White House...
7.1991] A super performance: Whitney Houston sings the definitive version of our national anthem at Super Bowl XXV and Scott “wide right” Norwood becomes famous for missing a field goal that would have won it for Buffalo. Instead, the Giants win 20-19…
8.1998] A right-wing conspiracy: First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton blames a “vast right-wing conspiracy” on her husband’s (Monica) personal (Lewinsky) problems on “The Today Show”…
9.2009] Literary deaths: Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist John Updike dies at 76 from lung cancer...2010] Reclusive award-winning author J.D. Salinger, passes away from natural causes at 91...

10.2010] A padded unveiling: Steve Jobs unveils the Apple iPad...

Music Memories:

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Rebecca Jayne Vettor (4), Bridget Fonda (44), Alan Cumming (46), Chris Collinsworth (49), Keith Olbermann (49), Mimi Rogers (52), Mikhail Baryshnikov (60), Nedra (Ronettes) Talley & Bobby "Blue" Bland (78)...

Timeline Countdown: 10 days until Super Bowl XLV, 17 days until pitchers & catchers report, 18 days until Valentines Day & 25 days until Presidents' Day...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two Giants With One Common Goal...

Pandora's audience has doubled in a year to 80 million listeners, thanks in great part to the iPhone. Pandora founder Tim Westergren's next goal is to own the auto business. Consumers can tap into the internet from the iPhone (and in some cases, Android and BlackBerry phones.) USA Today reports that "Pandora now can be played in many cars with special dashboard controls, including Ford Fiesta, new minis and most Mercedes-Benzes. Coming this year, Pandora will be available in the new Toyota Prius V, Hyundai Veloster, new BMWs and Buick Verano." As you can imagine, Sirius XM is not happy about Pandora's growth and is taking its case to the FCC, which has no control over satellite or the internet...

Sirius XM agreed to freeze their basic subscription price after the closing of their merger, almost three years ago. The anniversary of that agreement is July 28, 2011. Now, Sirius XM wants to be free to raise its basic monthly subscription price from $12.95, according to Bloomberg. "Sirius, which reported 19.8 million customers at the end of the third quarter, told the Federal Communications Commission in a January 20 filing that the agency shouldn't extend a price freeze negotiated as part of the 2008 merger that formed the company." Sirius didn't say in the filing whether it wants to raise rates. They didn't have to. It's pretty much implied, isn't it???

Sirius said it faces a "robustly competitive market with consumers able to choose terrestrial radio and internet music services such as Pandora and Rhapsody, while carmakers including Toyota and Ford offer ways to access web-based entertainment in their cars." Sirius is being transparent in their request and is still a less expensive buy than any TV cable service offers. Unless the price increase is outrageously high, Sirius listeners aren't going anywhere. Sirius gained 3 cents to $1.58 at the close of day yesterday on the Nasdaq...

10 Timeline Memories:
1..1934] Showtime at the Apollo: The Apollo Theater re-opens in a new location - Harlem on 125th Street and 7th Avenue. It’s still there
2.1960] The new commish: Pete Rozelle, 33-year old GM of the Los Angeles Rams succeeds Bert Bell as NFL Commissioner…
3.1979] “Happy Trails”: Former Vice President and New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller dies of a heart attack at 70. At first report he was alone in his office but it was later determined that he was at home in the presence of his 25-year old female aide who had a Daily News reporter friend call 911 an hour after he had died leading to speculation about the cause of the heart attack (you do the math)…1983] Legendary football coach Bear Bryant dies of a heart attack at 69 just 41 days after his retirement…
4.1979] Put your dukes up: “The Dukes of Hazzard” premieres and will run until the summer of ‘85 on CBS-TV…
5.1984] A hunk-a, hunk-a, burning love: Michael Jackson’s hair catches on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial…
6.1996] Whitewater rafting: First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies before a grand jury connected to the Whitewater probe…
7.1998] Who’s that lady?: Bill Clinton makes his famous, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky” speech…
8.1999] Crash landings: The NTSB concludes that John Denver’s 1997 fatal light-plane crash was caused by too little fuel in the tank at takeoff…2003] Billy Joel is hospitalized after crashing his car into a tree in Sag Harbor. The NTSB concludes that a bottle of wine is the cause of the crash…
9.2009] Octomom: Nadya Suleman gives birth to octuplets. The 6 male and 2 female children were conceived via in-vitro fertilization. All survive...

10.2010] Top of the charts: James Cameron's "Avatar" becomes the highest-grossing film of all time, surpassing his 1997 classic, "Titanic." ...

Tonight is the joint AES/SMPTE/IEEE Meeting, presented by the Audio Engineering Society - New York Section. The meeting will begin at 5:30pm at the NBC studios at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. The theme of the meeting is "Turn Down The Volume". For addition information, click here...

Music Memories:

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Emily Hughes (22), Joe Smith (39), Wayne Gretzky (50), Ellen DeGeneres (53), Eddie Van Halen (56), David Strathairn (62), Jean Knight (68), Bob Uecker (76), Huey "Piano" Smith (77) & Anne Jeffreys (88)...

Timeline Countdown: 11 days until Super Bowl XLV, 18 days until pitchers & catchers report, 19 days until Valentines Day & 26 days until Presidents' Day...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Trademark Warning For Radio...

Here's a serious heads-up from the Broadcast Law Blog for all radio broadcasters about the verbal use of what we all assume to be generic events. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, the firm that posts the blog reminds us that events like "Super Bowl", "March Madness", "NASCAR" and even TV shows Like "American Idol" are all registered trademarks. You can talk about these events on-air as much as you'd like but it better not be used in a commercial context or else. That or-else means a trademark law suit that you don't dare risk...

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP says "Although the NFL is more aggressive than many other trademark owners in enforcing its rights, these same principles apply to other registered trademarks (mentioned above). Discussions among DJs or with listeners are fine, but you cannot use these terms to sell products or do station promotions without authorization from the trademark owners." ...

The firm continues its warning by advising that "You are free to use trademark protected terms like "Super Bowl" in news stories or noncommercial discussions about the event under a concept known as 'nominative fair use', but use of trademarked terms in a commercial context crosses the line from acceptable to unacceptable use." Since the Super Bowl is less than two weeks from kickoff, if your station is not an officially sanctioned Super Bowl station, you're advised not to use the name in any commercials, promotions or giveaways. You are now forewarned...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1915] Can you hear me now?: In New York, Alexander Graham Bell speaks to an assistant in San Francisco inaugurating the first transcontinental phone service. Long distance is born…
2.1947] “Happy Trails”: Public enemy number one, Al Capone, dies at 48 of cardiac arrest possibly associated with third-stage syphilis…1997] Astrologer Jeane Dixon passes away from cardiopulmonary arrest at 93…
3.1959] The Jet Age takes off: American Airlines opens the jet age in the U.S. with the first scheduled transcontinental flight of a Boeing 707…
4.1961] Live from the White House: President John F. Kennedy holds the first presidential news conference carried live on radio and TV…
5.1971] Gotcha: Charles Manson and three female followers are convicted of murder and conspiracy in the 1969 slayings of seven people, including actress Sharon Tate
6.1988] And in this corner: VP George Bush and Dan Rather face off on “The CBS Evening News” as the anchorman attempts to question the Republican presidential candidate about his role in the Iran-Contra affair…
7.1993] CIA shooting: A gunman shoots and kills two CIA employees outside agency headquarters in Virginia. Aimal Khan Kasi, a Pakistani man is later convicted and executed in 2002…
8.1994] Settlement: Michael Jackson settles a child molestation lawsuit against him…
9.1995] Marcia, Marcia, Marcia: The defense gives its opening statement in the O.J. Simpson trial, saying Simpson was the victim of a “rush to judgment” by authorities…
10.2007] Edsel channeling: The Ford Motor Company says its lost a staggering $12.7 billion in 2006, the worst loss in the company’s 103-year history - even worse than the Edsel…

Bobby Poe, Sr., Ruth Meyer...All Access reports the death of Bobby Poe, Sr., aka The Poe Kat. Bobby published the Washington, DC-based "The Pop Music Survey" in 1968 and played host to the annual Pop Music Survey Convention, an annual gathering of the radio and record communities in a light-hearted weekend filled with meetings and awards. The Pop Music Survey Convention ran for 25 years until Poe's retirement in 1996. Bobby had been battling throat cancer for the past two years and died from a blood clot on January 22 at the age of 77...Also passing away over the weekend was Ruth Meyer, former 50s program director of WMGM and WMCA (both in New York). Ruth is known for building the legendary "Good Guys" team of air talent, including her good friend Joe O'Brien, Harry Harrison, Dandy Dan Daniels, B.Mitchell Reed and others. No cause of death, nor Meyer's age has been revealed...

Music Memories:

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Alicia Keys (30), Norm N. Nite (70), Etta James (73 at last) & & Dean Jones (80)...

Timeline Countdown: 12 days until Super Bowl XLV, 19 days until pitchers & catchers report, 20 days until Valentines Day & 27 days until Presidents' Day...

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Time To Expand Demographics To Include Alpha Boomers...

Alpha boomers are the fastest-growing demographic in the country, reports Maureen Callahan of the New York Post. Alan Wurtzel, president of research at NBC Universal (pending new corporate name) puts the growth of the 55 to 64 year old demo in prospective: "Every seven seconds, somebody turns 55." Yet advertisers almost completely ignore the demographic. "The most coveted demo remains 18-34," says Judann Pollack, executive editor of Ad Age. No media form is affected as much as television but radio could use an expansion of demographics desperately. It would help save the medium that faces its most competitive era ever...

No one wants to accept aging. It's easier for advertisers to ignore the inevitable but alpha boomer numbers are too impressive to ignore. "AB's make up half the population and spend more money on goods and services - nearly $2 trillion - than any other age group. They buy more technology and gadgets - 40% of the market - than any other demo. They drive elections, accounting for the biggest voting blocs in both 2008 and 2010. Alpha boomers have the second-highest median household income, at $69,000, trailing only the 35-44 age group ($75,000). They own the most second homes in the nation. They largely share the same tastes in online usage as the 18-34s, ranking Facebook and YouTube among their favorite sites and they buy at least one product online per month. They own more iPads and smartphones than any other demo and record and watch more programming on their DVRs than anyone else. They are less loyal to brands than Gen Xers." They should be highly coveted but are not...

It's inevitable that the 55-64 year old demo will be accepted, there's too much additional revenue to gain to ignore much longer. If not now - when?

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1848] Solid Gold: James W. Marshall discovers a gold nugget at Sutter’s Mill in Northern California. This discovery leads to the gold rush of ‘49…
2.1899] Step on it: Humphrey O'Sullivan patents the rubber heal. The city of Akron, Ohio makes the most of it...
3.1922] You scream, I scream: Iowan Christian K. Nelson patents the Eskimo Pie. He decides to change corn, the original ingredient, to ice cream. True...
4.1965] 'Happy Trails': Winston Churchill passes away in London, the results of an earlier stroke. Churchill was 90...1993] Retired Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall dies from heart failure at 84...
5.1980] Buy low, sell high: Original Mets owner Joan Whitney Payson sells the team to Nelson Doubleday and Fred Wilpon for a reported $21.1 million, the most ever paid for a major league franchise at the time. In 2002 Wilpon will get full control of the team, buying Doubleday's shares...
6.1989] Electric avenue: Confessed serial killer Ted Bundy is put to death in Florida’s electric chair for the 1978 kidnapping and killing of Kimberly Leach
7.1994] Krafty buy: New England businessman Robert Kraft buys the Patriots for $172 million. During his tenure as owner the Pats have won 3 Super Bowls. When he bought the Pats they had a losing record...
8.1995] Marcia, Marcia, Marcia: The prosecution, lead by Marcia Clark, gives its opening statement in the O.J. Simpson double-murder trial.
9.2003] My coloring book: The Department of Homeland Security begins operations under Tom Ridge...
10.2010] Earthquake Fallout: The Haitian government announces the death toll has reached 150,000 in the capital of Port-au-Prince alone...

Jack LaLanne, fitness guru, has died from respiratory failure resulting from pneumonia at the age of 96. LaLanne opened his first gym in 1936...

Music Memories:
  • 1962] The Beatles' skipper: Brian Epstein becomes the Beatles' manager. Brian cleans up their image by putting them in suits...
  • 1970] Gunned down: James 'Shep' Sheppard (Heartbeats, Shep and the Limelites) is found murdered in his car on the Long Island Expressway...
  • 2003] Going to Hall: Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" and Peter, Paul & Mary's "Blowin' in the Wind" are among 21 new additions to the Grammy Hall of Fame...

The Smokin' Hit Songwriters Seminar/Retreat will be held March 18 - 20, 2011. The 3-day event will take place at Jim Oliver's Smoke House, 850 W. Main Street in Monteagle (TN) starting at 6:30pm - March 20 at 1pm. For additional information, click here...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Mary Lou Retton (43), Nastassja Kinski (50), Yakov Smirnoff (60), Aaron Neville (70), Neil Diamond (70), Ray Stevens (72) & Ernest Borgnine (94)...

Timeline Countdown: 13 days until Super Bowl XLV, 20 days until pitchers and catchers report, 21 days until Valentines Day & 28 days until Presidents' Day...

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Survey Finds Renewed Interest In Radio...

(Weekend Edition)

It seems we get a different forecast for radio revenue every day. While most analysts predict a slow recovery this year, Strata sees a renewed interest in radio at ad agencies. The maker of media buying and selling software company's fourth quarter survey of major ad agencies found that 15.6% of respondents cited radio as the medium they're most interested in. Strata considers this a "surprise rebirth" for radio. TV may be the main focus of most advertisers, chosen by 44%, followed by digital at 21.1%, but radio interest is growing again...

Fifty-one percent of agencies report that their business is increasing and nearly 25% say their clients are increasing their ad budgets this year. Nearly 35% expect the economy and their business to return to strong growth by the end of the year, and 17% say they're already seeing strong growth, according to Radio Ink. Strata also reports that platforms like Apple's iAd, Apple TV and Google TV "still hold little interest for agencies", with 90% saying clients are not requesting buys for those platforms. Strata also found that the focus on digital has "fallen off a bit. While still hot, it is used more in a solid media mix than (seeing) more dollars heading heading its way." ...

So, here's the opening for an increase in revenue for radio. At least for today. Tomorrow there's bound to be another study showing something else. Somewhere in the middle is probably the prediction that most likely will come true...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1968] Sock it to me: “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In” debuts on NBC-TV (1/22)…
2.1971] Boogity, boogity: In basketball, UCLA loses to Notre Dame (1/23) and then wins 88 games in a row. The streak ends with a loss to ??? Correct - Notre Dame. The Bruins coach during the streak was John Wooden...
3.1973] Supes Rule: Roe v. Wade is born, legalizing abortion after the Supreme Court strikes down state laws prohibiting abortion. You can be sure this will be an issue that won’t ever be put to rest (1/22)…
4.1977] Rootin’ tootin’: “Roots” debuts as a mini-series and almost half of the country watches the final 2-hour episode when 100 million viewers are on hand. 85% of all TV homes saw all or part of the previous 7-episodes (1/23)…
5.1984] Loss of a Rock & Roll Great: Jackie Wilson dies at 49 after being in a coma for 8 years, suffering a heart attack on stage, September 25, 1975...(1/21)…
6.1989] Superbowl Sunday: Joe Montana leads the 49ers on an 11-play, 92-yard touchdown drive with 43 seconds remaining to lift San Francisco to a 20-16 win over Cincinnati in Super Bowl XXIII. It’s the third title for SF (1/22)…
7.1994] First cut is the deepest: A jury in Manassas (VA) acquits Lorena Bobbitt by reason of insanity for her ’slice and dice’ of husband John’s private parts (1/21)...
8.1998] Guilty as charged: Theodore Kaczynski aka ‘The Unabomber’ pleads guilty in return for a life sentence without parole. His specialty was mail bombs (1/22)…

9.2004] So sue me: The recording industry sues 532 computer users for illegally distributing songs on the Internet (1/21)…
10.2008] ‘Happy Trails’: Australian actor Heath Ledger dies of an accidental medication overdose at 28 (1/22)…

Music Memories:

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday": (1/21) Geena Davis (55), Robbie Benson (55), Billy Ocean (61), Mac Davis (69), Placido Domingo (70), Richie Havens (70) & Jack Nicklaus (71)...(1/22) Diane Lane (46), Linda Blair (52), Mike Bossy (54), Steve Perry (62), John Hurt (71), Joseph Wambaugh (74), Graham Kerr (77) & Piper Laurie (79)...(1/23) Mariska Hargitay (47), Monaco's Princess Caroline (54), Anita Pointer (63), Jerry Kramer (75), Chita Rivera (78) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (87)...

Timeline Countdown: The NFL Conference Championships are played this weekend, 16 days until Super Bowl XLV, 23 days until pitchers & catchers report & 24 days until Valentines Day...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

FCC Has A Fight On Its Hands With New Congress...

The first clue that life with a new Congress would be no lovefest for the FCC came at the end of 2010. That's when Republicans announced their opposition to the FCC neutrality rules. PCWorld reported that Republican lawmakers "are not happy about the FCC's new rules. The decision has inspired incoming committee chairs in the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives, senior Republican senators and others to declare war against what they see as further government intrusion into private life." The new year brought even worse news for the FCC and that antagonistic slant displayed by the new Congress is sure to play a role in radio actions in 2011...

The latest example of the new Congress flexing its muscles came last week when a bipartisan group urged the FCC to approve the $30 billion transaction between Comcast and NBC, according to Ad Week. Tennessee Republican Representative Marsha Blackburn makes it clear that the FCC needs reining in, in this article from International News. In a policy conference on Tuesday, Blackburn introduced legislation to overturn the FCC's net neutrality rules and intends to make Julius Genachowski, FCC chair, a "familiar face" on Capitol Hill...

While this recent display of congressional heat directed at the FCC doesn't bode well for the agency, it could bring some welcome news to radio. For too long, the FCC has allowed anyone with a pocket full of cash to buy properties whether they intended to become a responsible member of the broadcast community or they were just looking for a quick return on their investment. It's past time to end all of that nonsense...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1892] Jump it up: The first official basketball game is played at a YMCA court in Springfield (MA). The game is played using peach baskets with 9 players on each side. The game is invented by Dr. James Naismith, a phys-ed teacher at Springfield College…
2.1961] This I Swear: John F. Kennedy is sworn in as our 35th president…1989] George H.W. Bush becomes our 41st president…1993] Bill Clinton becomes #42…2001] George W. Bush becomes #43…2009] Barack Obama is sworn in as #44…
3.1961] “D-I-V-O-R-C-E”: Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller. They were married in June, 1956…
4.1965] “Happy Trails“: Fans mourn the death of Alan Freed who passes away from uremic poisoning at 43…1993] Audrey Hepburn dies from abdominal cancer at 63…
5.1981] Free at last: Iran releases 52 American hostages held for 444 days. This happens minutes after Ronald Reagan is sworn in…
6.1985] Soopuh: The 49ers beat Miami 38-16 in Super Bowl XIX. President Ronald Reagan congratulates San Francisco coach Bill Walsh. For the first time TV commercials sell for a million a minute...
7.1986] Observed: The U.S. observes the first federal holiday in honor of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr
8.1987] Kidnapped: Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite disappears in Beirut while attempting to negotiate the release of western hostages. He will be released in 1991...
9.2009] Presidential history is made: Barack Obama becomes the first African-American U.S. president, the country’s 44th…
10.2010] Haiti Rocks: A 6.1 magnitude aftershock rocks Haiti a week after the 2010 Haiti earthquake...

Music Memories:
  • 1987] Number One on this date: "At This Moment" - Billy Vera & Beaters. The song was featured on 'Family Ties'...
  • 1965] Recorded on this date: "Mr. Tambourine Man" (written by Bob Dylan) - Byrds...1967] "Sweet Soul Music" - Arthur Conley...1969] "In The Ghetto" - Elvis Presley. It was the first time Elvis recorded in Memphis in 13 years...


A joint meeting of AES, SMPTE & IEEE will be presented by The Audio Engineering Society, New York Section on Wednesday, January 26 from 5:30pm to 9pm. The meeting will be held at NBC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. For addition information, click here...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Melissa Rivers (43), Rainn ('The Office') Wilson (45), James Denton (48), Lorenzo Lamas (53), Bill Maher (55), Paul Stanley (59), Buzz Aldrin (81), Arte Johnson (81), Slim Whitman (87) and Ray Anthony (89)...

Timeline Countdown: 3 days until NFL Championship Playoffs, 17 days until Super Bowl XLV, 24 days until pitchers & catchers report & 25 days until Valentines Day...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Radio's Ad Revenue Growth To Be Modest In 2011...

A new Magna Global forecast predicts the U.S. ad economy will grow 3.1% this year or about the same as last year. This growth rate doesn't include political and Olympic revenues in 2011. While there's no estimate of what either event will bring in, they will put the revenue growth above last year's total and radio should see a slight gain too. Total ad expenditures in 2011 are estimated to come in at $173 billion, according to MediaPost. That figure is below 2003 - which pre-dates the mid-2000s boom. One reason could be that auto spending may have been much higher back in 2003, even though the category is experiencing a recovery now...

Radio's modest growth, estimated to be about 2% should bring it to slightly over $15 billion for the year. The gains for other forms of media are much healthier - TV (6.3%), digital display (11.6%), online video (26.8%) and mobile advertising (60.1%). Paid search is estimated to be up about 11%. On the negative side, newspapers, magazines and direct mail will decline 2.9%...

Magna notes that revenue growth remains hampered by "continuing weakness in unemployment, the absence of a meaningful pick-up in the overall economy and constrained deployments of capital among businesses of all kinds." The 2% gain for radio, as modest as it is, is up from a previous forecast of 1.3% made in early December...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1949] A raise to six figures: The president’s salary is increased from $75,000 to $100,000 with an additional $50,000 expense allowance for each year. In 2011 the president's salary has risen to $400,000 plus expenses...
2.1952] Signed, sealed and delivered: The NFL buys the New York Yanks, then awards the franchise to a group in Dallas. the Dallas Texans will then be awarded to Baltimore in 1953 to form the Colts, who now play in Indianapolis. Are you following all this? There will be a test…
3.1953] 'Splain it to me Lucy: A whopping 68% of all TV sets are tuned to “I Love Lucy” as Lucy Ricardo gives birth to a baby boy…
4.1957] Who hit the mute button?: Ernie Kovacs does a half-hour TV show without saying one word. Here’s Percy Dovetonsils, one of Ernie’s characters...
5.1972] Going to Hall: Sandy Koufax, Yogi Berra and Early Wynn are elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame…
6.1974] Irish wake: Notre Dame stops UCLA’s remarkable 88-game winning streak 71-70. The Irish move up in the polls from 2 to 1, replacing the Bruins. It marks the first time UCLA is not #1 since the 1968 NCAA Championship Tournament…
7.1998] “Happy Trails“: The legendary Carl Perkins dies at 65 from complications caused by several strokes…2006] Wilson Pickett, 64, passes away after suffering a heart attack…2008] Actress Suzanne Pleshette, 70, dies from lung cancer…8.2000] Guilty as charged: Robert F. Kennedy nephew, Michael Skakel surrenders to Greenwich (CT) police to face charges in the 1975 death of neighbor Martha Moxley. He will be convicted and is serving time in prison…
9.2002] Last call for alcohol: Schaefer Stadium hosts its final Patriots game. New England beats Oakland 16-13 in overtime in an AFC Divisional Playoff game, played in a snowstorm. The game features the infamous “tuck” rule used to protect QB Tom Brady. An Adam Vinatieri field goal wins it…
10.2004] Wacked out: John Kerry wins Iowa’s Democratic presidential caucus and Howard Dean who finishes third, delivers his famous, fist-pumping, over-the-top speech that will bury him as a serious candidate…

Music Memories:

  • 1957] Network Debut: Johnny Cash makes his first network TV appearance on "The Jackie Gleason Show". Here's JC on the "Jimmy Dean Show"...
  • 1976]Reunion Offer: Promoter Bill Sargent offers The Beatles $30 million to reunite but the group turns down the offer. Here's two of the Fab Four together...
  • 1993] Non-Stop: Fleetwood Mac reunites to perform "Don't Stop" at Bill Clinton's inauguration...
  • 1993] The Chips Are Down: Tom Waits is allowed to keep $2.5 million awarded to him after he sued Frito-Lay for using a sound-alike in a 1988 commercial...

R.I.P.: Don Kirshner...

It's sad to report that legendary music starmaker Don Kirshner died from heart failure at the age of 77 on Monday, January 17. Donny was just a guy from the Bronx who happened to host his own TV show, "Don Kirshner's Rock Concert", write and publish hit songs and help launch the careers of artists like Neil Diamond, Bobby Darin, Carole King, Neil Sedaka, the Monkees, the Archies, Kansas and many others. Don is survived by his wife of 50 years, Sheila, two children and five grandchildren. The family has asked for donations to be made to the Don Kirshner Scholarship Fund for emerging songwriters at 70 West 36th Street, Suite 701, New York, N.Y. 10018...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Olympian Shawn Johnson (19), Junior Seau (42), Katey Sagal (57), Desi Arnaz Jr (58), Dolly Parton (65), Shelley Fabares (67), Michael Crawford (69), Phil Everly (72), Robert MacNeil (80), Tippi Hedren (81), Fritz Weaver (85) and Jean Stapleton (88)...

Timeline Countdown: 4 days until NFL Conference Championships, 18 days until Super Bowl XLV, 25 days until Pitchers & Catchers report & 26 days until Valentines Day...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Radio Streaming Needs More Creativity To Succeed...

Radio streaming needs to improve to matter. When Coleman Insights released their audio streaming findings last month, they showed that nearly half (48%) of Americans who listen to streaming audio do not use the "over the air" broadcasts of AM and FM radio stations. "On the surface these numbers should be of some concern to radio broadcasters," says Coleman Insights VP Sam Milkman, who authored the study. "However, our findings suggest that they are not the result of many streaming audio users disengaging from radio brands, but simply changing the distribution platform they use to consume radio content." Translation: streamers are not thinking about terrestrial radio when they do their online searches, they want something different - something better...

The study also found that the most positive perceptions of AM and FM radio that streaming audio listeners have, are shared by those streamers who do not listen to "over the air" signals. It's my belief that stations streaming their signals benefit mainly by expanding their reach and not much else. At the time that stations began to stream, audiences were unmeasurable but since that's changed, there's nothing wrong with just expanding your reach. I don't know how creative you can get with streaming unless you offer a different format that won't compete with your format...

However stations decide to improve their streaming, they must realize that only half of all streamers care about finding them. If you want to be found, just telling your regular listeners about it is not enough. That means advertising. Since advertising budgets are tight, using pennysavers or local community papers is better than nothing...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1911] Aircraft landing: The first landing of an aircraft on a ship takes place when pilot Eugene B. Ely lands on the deck of the USS Pennsylvania in San Francisco harbor. Ely was trying to land at the airport but is eventually forgiven for overshooting the runway…
2.1948] Round & round she goes: The precursor of “American Idol”, “The Original Amateur Hour”, hosted by Ted Mack moves from radio to television where it runs until 1960. Gladys Knight appeared on the show at the age of 7…
3.1967] Gotcha: Albert DeSalvo aka the “Boston Strangler” is convicted in Cambridge of armed robbery, assault and sex offenses…
4.1976] Super Sunday: The Pittsburgh Steelers win their second consecutive Super Bowl on the last play in an exciting 21-17 win over Dallas...
5.1982] Thorpe reinstated: The International Olympic Committee approves reinstatement of Jim Thorpe’s Olympic titles. The titles were stripped because Thorpe was considered a professional athlete when he won the medals in 1912…
6.1990] Barry bust: Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is arrested for drug possession in an FBI sting. Barry is later convicted of a misdemeanor but his drug problems didn’t end there…
7.1991] Eastern goes south: Financially strapped Eastern Airlines shuts down after 62 years in business…
8.1993] All the way with MLK: The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is observed in all 50 states for the first time…
9.1998] Drudgery: The Drudge Report breaks the Monica Lewinsky scandal story…
10.2005] The flying hotel: The world’s largest commercial jet, an Airbus A380 that can carry 800 passengers, is unveiled in Toulouse, France…

Music Memories:

Smokin' Hit Songwriters Seminar/Retreat is coming up March 18 - 20, 2011 at Jim Oliver's Smoke House, 850 West Main Street in Monteagle (TN). Entrance fee is $150. For additional information, go to Facebook and do a search for the seminar...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Jesse ('Law & Order') Martin (42), Mark Messier (50), Kevin Costner (56), Bobby Goldsboro (70) and Ray Dolby (noise reduction dude) (78)...

Timeline Countdown: 5 days until NFL Conference Championships, 19 days until Super Bowl XLV, 26 days until pitchers & catchers report & 27 days until Valentines Day...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Radio Joins The Search For ROI in 2011...

(MLK Day Edition)

2011 will be the year that all media forms will be looking for a return-on-investment in social media. But will they find it? eMarketer reports that ROI has always been a big issue, but as more companies plan to increase social media budgets, it's becoming a must-have. Every area of social media strategy will see more participation in 2011 than 2010. As the numbers of consumers embracing social media rises, radio will be looking for a social media advertising hook but it won't be easily found. Determining ways to measure ROI in social media isn't an exact science yet and that's the problem...

Brian Solis, an expert on new media told Buzzinews "You can't measure what it is you do not value. What do you want to accomplish? What's the return we seek? Are we trying to sell, change, drive, cause, or inspire something specific? Are we reducing customer problems as measured by inbound volume, open tickets, public discourse? Are we trying to shift sentiment to a more positive state that increases referrals as a result? While parts of social media are purely designed for branding purposes, like direct marketing and online advertising, programs can also be designed to trigger desirable outcomes. How are you converting attention and clicks to a measurable return? Finding the answer will reveal that ROI and metrics exist at the program and departmental level and travel all the way to the top. And they're unique at every step of the way. Think about this and then revisit the ROI discussion"...

While radio looks for new ways to produce revenue, it's more important than ever to determine how you incorporate new media into your operation. Texting, email, the internet and social networking all play a role in your programming plans but don't look for an immediate return-on-investment just yet...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1913] A Penney for your thoughts: All 36 'Golden Rule' stores in Utah are consolidated into one company. The new corporation will be called "The J.C. Penney Company" ...
2.1929] Debuted on this date: Popeye makes his first appearance in the comic strip "Thimble Theater"...
3.1950] On the brink: A million and a quarter in cash and over $1.5 million in checks, money orders and securities is stolen in the Great Brink’s Robbery from the Brinks Building in Boston…
4.1971] Super Bowl Sunday: The Colts' Jim O'Brien boots a 32-yard field goal with 5 seconds remaining to give Baltimore a 16-13 win over Dallas in Super Bowl V, considered the sloppiest of all SB games with a record 11 turnovers...
5.1977] Deadman walking: Convicted murderer Gary Gilmore, 36, is shot by a firing squad at Utah State Prison in the first U.S. execution in a decade...
6.1984] Supe's on: The U.S. Supreme Court rules 5-4 to allow private use of home video cassette recorders to tape TV shows (Yessss)...
7.1994] Quake, quake: The Northridge (CA) earthquake rocks Los Angeles, registering a 6.7 on the Richter Scale. At least 61 are killed with damage estimated at $20 billion…1995] A magnitude 7.2 earthquake devastates the city of Kobe, Japan. More than 6,000 are killed…
8.1998] Me and Miss Jones: Bill Clinton becomes the first U.S. President to testify as a defendant in a criminal or civil suit when he answers questions from lawyers for Paula Jones, who accuses Clinton of sexual harassment...
9.2008] Checkmate: Chess master Bobby Fischer dies at age 64...
10.2009] Cease Fire: Israel declares a unilateral cease-fire in its 22-day Gaza offensive...

Music Memories:

Turn Down The Volume 11, a joint meeting of AES/SMPTE/IEEE is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at NBC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. For additional information, contact the Audio Engineering Society - New York Section...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Kid Rock (40), Michelle Obama (47), Jim Carrey (49), The Bangles' Susanna Hoffs (52), Steve Harvey (54), Paul Young (55), Muhammad Ali (69), Maury Povich (72), James Earl Jones (80), Don Zimmer (80), Vidal Sassoon (83), Newton Minnow (85) and Betty White (89)...

Timeline Countdown: Today is MLK Day, 6 days until the NFL Conference Championships, 20 days until Super Bowl XLV, 27 days until pitchers and catchers report & 28 days until Valentines Day...

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Jury Is Still Out On NAB's Gordon Smith...

(Weekend Edition)

Radio World describes NAB President/CEO Gordon Smith as someone who "pressures quietly, accommodates loudly and argues reasonably" but Smith as smooth and suave as he is, has one huge test to pass this year before being completely accepted by the majority of radio's populace. Smith's litmus test will be final action on the Performance Rights Act, the act that would tax terrestrial radio for playing music. Broadcasters will be watching closely to see how the PRA is handled by Smith. After the 2008 elections, the odds were high that there would be a final resolution of the act coming out of Congress. It was still possible that Congress would act before they recessed at the end of 2010 but radio dodged a bullet instead...

A key reason for NAB board members to hire Smith was to stop or slow the PRA. He's been able to do that so far but some kind of settlement must be negotiated. The strength of the National Association of Broadcasters is on the line and broadcasters will need to be happy with the results or Smith's value will be diminished - his leadership in doubt...

When LPFM (low power FM) legislation was passed by the House in December and then the Senate, the NAB approved passage with thoughts of new NAB members in mind: "NAB (also) announces that after the new year, the group will be extending an invitation to supporters of low-power FM to an event at NAB headquarters heralding passage of the legislation." One big, happy family. Radio World writes that "The person who wears the public face of NAB must address two key audiences. He must serve the needs of association members, foremost. But he must also consider how his actions and statements are perceived among the legislators who are in a position to influence the businesses of those members. Words have consequences." The jury is still out...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1892] Basketball rules: The official rules of basketball are published for the first time in Springfield (MA) where the game is invented (1/15)…
2.1952] Debuted on this date: “The Today Show” on NBC-TV with Dave Garroway and Jack Lescoulie (1/14)...
3.1954] Wedding Bells: Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe marry at San Francisco City Hall. Marilyn will charge ‘mental cruelty’ in October and the couple will divorce (1/14)…
4.1963] Color blind: George C. Wallace vows “segregation forever” as he’s sworn in as Governor of Alabama. Eventually Wallace drops his racial discrimination stance (1/14)…
5.1967] Super Sunday: The Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10 in what will eventually be called Super Bowl I. Back then it was called the NFL Championship Game (1/15)…
6.1974] Best Seller: "Jaws" by Peter Benchley is published with a movie planned (1/16)...
7.1974] Debuted on this date: “Happy Days” on ABC-TV. The highly rated show will run until July of 1984 and spawn the spin off, ‘Laverne and Shirley’ in January, 1976 (1/15)…
8.1988] Jimmy the Geek: CBS-TV fires Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder one day after his racial comment that during slavery, “blacks had been bred to produce stronger offspring” (1/16). His comments got worse…
9.1998] Circular filed: Whitewater prosecutors begin questioning Hillary Rodham Clinton about the gathering of FBI files on past Republican political appointees (1/14)…
10.2009] Captain America: Thanks to the heroic efforts of Capt. Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger, 57, and his co-pilot, 155 lives are saved as U.S. Airways Flight 1549 lands safely in New York City’s Hudson River (1/15)…

Music Memories:
  • 1957] Recorded on this date: "Lucille" - Little Richard (1/16)...
  • 1961] Signed, sealed, delivered: Motown signs the Supremes (1/15)...
  • 1964] So, sue me: Vee Jay Records files suit against Capitol and Swan over recording rights to the Beatles (1/15)...
  • 1966] The Name Game: David Jones changes his last name to 'Bowie' to avoid confusion with Monkee Davy Jones (1/14)...
  • 1970] Someday means never: Diana Ross and the Supremes perform their last concert together at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas (1/14)...
  • 1971] Released on this date: "My Sweet Lord" - George Harrison (1/15)...1976] "Frampton Comes Alive" LP - Peter Frampton (1/16)...1989] "Back In The U.S.S.R." LP - Paul McCartney (1/14)...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday": (1/14) Jason Bateman (42), LL Cool J (43), Marjoe Gortner (67), Faye Dunaway (73), Julian Bond (71), Jack Jones (73), Allen Toussaint (73), Clarence Carter (75), Caterina Valente (80) and Andy Rooney (92)...(1/15) Chad Lowe (43), Marty Lyons (54), Charo (60), Andrea Martin (64) and Margaret O'Brien (74)...(1/16) Kate Moss (37), Roy Jones, Jr. (42), Sade (Adu) (52), Debbie Allen (61), John Carpenter (63), Dr. Laura Schlessinger (64), Jim Stafford (67), Barbara Lynn (69), A.J. Foyt (76) and Marilyn Horne (77)...

Timeline Countdown: NFL Division Playoffs are on, MLK Day is Monday, 9 days until NFL Conference championships, 23 days until Super Bowl XLV, 30 days until Pitchers & Catchers & 31 days until Valentines Day...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pandora Takes On CBS Radio...

Pandora's push into the drive-time radio market presents a real threat to CBS Radio, according to Forbes. "Traditionally, this market has been dominated by larger radio services like CBS, but can the stalwarts withstand Pandora's push?" Forbes price estimate for CBS shares stands at $19.72, which is slightly ahead of the current market price. Forbes estimates that "should CBS' radio maket share decline by 6% by the end of our forecast period (vs. our 8% forecast) there could be roughly 5% downside to our price estimate, pushing our number just under market price." The ever bullish Les Moonves can't like that forecast...

Forbes says "Pandora has a crititcal edge on traditional radio players through its advertising capabilities." According to Ford's digital marketing manager, Pandora can use several metrics like age, gender or musical taste of the user to increase the effectiveness of advertising. In 2011, Ford is expected to launch cars with embedded software that will operate Pandora through voice controls. Mercedes-Benz is also promoting Pandora's radio service in its cars. CBS hasn't been able to stop Pandora's progress with, owned by the network and is not likely to do so.

Mel Karmazin, Sirius XM Radio CEO has always claimed that Pandora is not his competition. Maybe he's right. Apparently, the radio conglomerates have more to worry about than he does...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1957] Birth of the Frisbee: Wham-O begins producing “Pluto Platters”. You might know them better as Frisbees
2.1966] Stork sighting: Elizabeth Montgomery’s character Samantha on “Bewitched” gives birth to Tabitha...
3.1979] Mysterious Death: Singer Donny Hathaway dies after either jumping or falling from the 15th floor of a Manhattan hotel. Hathaway was just 34…
4.1982] This is a joke?: An Air Florida 737 crashes into Washington, D.C.’s 14th Street Bridge in a blinding snowstorm. The plane goes down in the Potomac River killing 78. Howard Stern gets fired when asking, on the air, when the next flight was scheduled to arrive at the 14th Street Bridge…
5.1982] Going to Hall: Hank Aaron and Frank Robinson are elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame...
6.1989] Guilty as charged: Subway vigilante Bernhard H. Goetz is sentenced to one year in prison for gun possession but is freed the following September…
7.1990] This I swear: L. Douglas Wilder takes office as the nation’s first elected black governor (Virginia)…
8.2000] Musical Chairs: Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates steps aside as chief executive and promotes president Steve Ballmer to the position…
9.2003] Busted: Pete Townshend of The Who is arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children, which he denies. He will later be cleared of those charges…
10.2010] A great voice is stilled: Teddy Pendergrass dies of respiratory failure at the age of 59. The former lead voice of Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, who had a successful solo career in the late 70s was paralyzed from the waist down following an auto accident in 1982...

Music Memories:

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
William Hung (28), Orlando Bloom (34), Patrick Dempsey (45), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (50), Richard ("Bull") Moll (68), Billy ("Father Knows Best") Gray (73), Rip Taylor (77) and Francis Sternhagen (81)...

Timeline Countdown: 2 days until the NFL Division Playoffs, 5 days until MLK Day, 10 days until Conference championships, 24 days until Super Bowl XLV, 31 days until pitchers and catchers report & 32 days until Valentine's Day...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fairness Doctrine Rears Its Ugly Head Again...

The Fairness Doctrine would neither prevent another Tucson nor do anything short of censor talk radio yet some members of Congress are starting to use the F word in the legislative body. Leading the movement is Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the father of FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn who is opposed to the Fairness Doctrine. Clyburn is no congressional hack, he's the third-ranking Democrat in Congress. Clyburn believes the shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech. He told the Post and Courier that he wants standards put in place to guarantee media coverage with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, in addition to calling on elected officials and media pundits to use "better judgment." ...

"Free Speech is as free speech does" says Clyburn. "You cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater and call it free speech and some of what I hear, and is being called free speech, is worse than that. Clyburn used as an example a comment made by Sharron Angle, an unsuccessful U.S. senatorial candidate in Nevada, who said the frustrated public may consider turning to 'Second Amendment remedies' for political disputes unless Congress changed course. Clyburn claims the man accused of shooting Giffords did just that. "He saw a second amendment remedy and that's what occurred there and there is no way not to make that connection." ...

The second amendment is the right to bear arms but in my opinion the killer of 6, wounding of 14, including Giffords was not using any amendment right, he simply acted upon the warped nonsensical grey matter between his ears. The Fairness Doctrine will neither stop any similar future maniacal act nor bring those 6 people back. The killer slipped through the system. He should have been treated for his mental deficiency years ago. With regard to free speech. It's called free speech for a reason...

10 Timeline Memories:
1.1958] Deuces are wild: The NCAA adopts the two-point conversion option after touchdowns. The AFL started using this when it began in 1960, the NFL followed in 1994…
2.1967] Frozen stiff: Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with intent of future resuscitation…
3.1969] Guaranteed: Joe Namath’s guarantee holds up when the Jets shock the NFL with their upset win over the Baltimore Colts to win Super Bowl III in the Orange Bowl...
4.1971] The Archie Bunker era begins: “All in the Family” debuts on CBS-TV. The show morphs into ‘Archie Bunker’s Place’ in 1979 and spawns “The Jeffersons“…1981] “Dynasty“, inspired by “Dallas” starts an 8-year run on ABC-TV…
5.1971] Harrisburg Six: The Reverend Philip Berrigan and five others are indicted on charges of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger and of plotting to blow up the heating tunnels of federal buildings in Washington, D.C. The brothers Berrigan were quite the pair of activists…
6.1976] ‘Happy Trails’: Mystery writer Agatha Christie dies from natural causes at 85…2003] Following emergency abdominal surgery, Maurice Gibb dies from cardiac arrest at 53…
7.1995] Gotcha: Malcolm X’s daughter Qubilah Shabazz is arrested for conspiring to kill Louis Farrakhan
8.1998] On tap: Linda Tripp provides Kenneth Starr’s office with taped conversations between herself and Monica Lewinsky about you-know-who…
9.2005] Guilty as charged: Britain’s Prince Harry apologizes after a newspaper publishes a photo of the young royal wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume party. Somewhere a beautiful princess is spinning as she did when the Prince did it again with his “Paki” and “Raghead” comments…

10.2010] Horror in Haiti: A 7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti and devastates the capital city of Port-au-Prince. More than 230,000 people are killed...

David Nelson, the last remaining member of the Nelson family ("The Adventures Of Ozzie and Harriet") has passed away at the age of 74. David was Ricky Nelson's big brother both on the show and in real life. David died from complications of colon cancer. Nelson is survived by his wife Yvonne, four sons and a daughter and seven grandchildren...

Music Memories:
  • 1957] Recorded on this date: "All Shook Up" - Elvis Presley (recorded in a Hollywood studio)...
  • 1959] Seed money: Berry Gordy Jr. borrows $800 from his sister to start Motown Records...
  • 1963] Number One on this date: "Go Away Little Girl" - Steve Lawrence...1974] "The Joker" - Steve Miller Band...1985] "Born In The U.S.A." LP - Bruce Springsteen. This replaced the "Purple Rain" LP (Prince) that was #1 for 24 weeks...
  • 1995] Going to Hall: The Allman Brothers, Al Green, Janis Joplin, Martha & Vandellas, Neil Young, Frank Zappa and Led Zeppelin go into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday":
Heather Mills (43), Jeff Bezos (47), Christiane Amanpour (53), Howard Stern (57), Rush Limbaugh (60), Kirstie Alley (60), Joe Frazier (67), Kreskin (76), Glenn Yarborough (81), Ray Price (85) and Luise Rainer (101)...

Timeline Countdown: 3 days until the NFL Division Playoffs, 6 days until MLK Day, 11 days until Conference championships, 25 days until Super Bowl XLV and 32 days until pitchers and catchers report...